Draw a house plan quickly and accurately to design an air conditioning installation directly onto it.
Have you ever had to draw an air conditioning installation plan around a hand drawn house plan like this?

It isn’t easy to work out exact sizes, especially on CAD software, and doesn’t look professional when handed back to customers. But PolyPlan now has a solution to the problem:
Re draw your hand drawn plans into PolyPlan
PolyPlan now has a new floor plan drawing tool to help you convert sketches into computerised plans you can then design your ducted reverse cycle, gas or evaporative air conditioning installation onto.
It is quick, easy, and automatically scales your plans so you can calculate required unit capacity, and measure flexible duct and place fittings and outlets accurately.
How to get started?
Upload the scan or photo of your house plan mudmap into PolyPlan like you would a plan at the start of any other design.
Click the new Draw tool in the top menu bar.

A dialogue box will appear with the tools needed to draw in a house plan.

Simple Room Tool
Start with the Room tool, and enter in the dimensions needed. Then just click anywhere on your plan area, and the room will appear. When you add more rooms, the snapping feature will help keep everything aligned.
To Remove a Wall
To remove a wall from the house plan, right click on the room, and select Break Up. Then, select the wall you want to remove, right click and select Delete.

Adding Doors and Windows
It is easy to add in doors and windows to your house plans with PolyPlan. Grab the Door tool, and click and drag along any wall you want to add the door. You can flip and change the sizes of doors with the nodes.
Windows can be added by selecting the Window tool, and clicking and dragging along any wall.
Door Tool Window Tool
All Scaled and Ready
When you draw your plans into PolyPlan with the Draw tool, they are scaled automatically, so there is no need to use the Scale tool like you would normally. It is possible to move onto calculating capacities for your next installation design.